Guess who's in JAMAICA!?!??!
that's right!!! ME!!! :) WOOOHOOOO!!!! I landed in Jamaica a couple of days ago with good friends - Tim Co, Joshua Smith of Cinematic Bride (only the BEST videographer in the world!!) and amazing talent out of Oregon, KacyJo.
We've been having an AMAZING time here and it's SO much fun to be here with people that I enjoy!! :)
We'll be shooting a FABULOUS wedding here at on Saturday. Here's some (ok, ok ALOT of pictures) that don't even do JUSTICE to this place!!
Now mind you...most of these were taken while in the backseat of a CAR driving 80 kilometers on the WRONG side of the road!!! (The jamaican drivers here are SLIGHTLY crazy...)
So....ENJOY!! :)
Some of the GORGEOUS greenery and sky...and CLOUDS!!! (You have to remember...even though I live in Florida and I should be used to it...I'm not! I'm still a Vegas girl at heart and GREEN just AMAZES me!!! As does clouds...yes, I'm weird...I know! :) )

The way they still dry their clothes here. I'm a spoiled American, I realize. Things like this humble me and make me grateful that I have the privelage of living in the USA.

Bamboo hut that caught my eye - if you look close, you can see they have a Guinness banner...I found it hilairous...

Crazy bridge we drove over to get to Negril! (Told you I was in the backseat!!)

The way people carry stuff here!! I've see MUCH larger items on MUCH smaller people, but haven't been able to capture it...yet...

GOATS! Need I say more?? They just roam about here...

Gorgeous scenery...the sky, the water...All breathtaking to lil ol' me that up until last year had never traveled past Arizona...

The view as we drive into a little city...(city is MUCH too large of a word to describe it...TOWN is more like it) that's built INTO the side of a mountain...

The view of downtown OchoRios...

and...a heap of junk car...yes...just on the side of the street...

I'll sign off with pictures of sunsets...maybe because I'm always working in Tampa that I never get to appreciate sunsets and I'm sure they probably look like this wherever you are too...but when you're on vacation (ok so it's a WORKING vacation...) I was able to step back and just enjoy the spectaculous-ness (is that a word??? it is now!!) that is a sunset!!

We've been having an AMAZING time here and it's SO much fun to be here with people that I enjoy!! :)
We'll be shooting a FABULOUS wedding here at on Saturday. Here's some (ok, ok ALOT of pictures) that don't even do JUSTICE to this place!!
Now mind you...most of these were taken while in the backseat of a CAR driving 80 kilometers on the WRONG side of the road!!! (The jamaican drivers here are SLIGHTLY crazy...)
So....ENJOY!! :)
Some of the GORGEOUS greenery and sky...and CLOUDS!!! (You have to remember...even though I live in Florida and I should be used to it...I'm not! I'm still a Vegas girl at heart and GREEN just AMAZES me!!! As does clouds...yes, I'm weird...I know! :) )

The way they still dry their clothes here. I'm a spoiled American, I realize. Things like this humble me and make me grateful that I have the privelage of living in the USA.

Bamboo hut that caught my eye - if you look close, you can see they have a Guinness banner...I found it hilairous...

Crazy bridge we drove over to get to Negril! (Told you I was in the backseat!!)

The way people carry stuff here!! I've see MUCH larger items on MUCH smaller people, but haven't been able to capture it...yet...

GOATS! Need I say more?? They just roam about here...

Gorgeous scenery...the sky, the water...All breathtaking to lil ol' me that up until last year had never traveled past Arizona...

The view as we drive into a little city...(city is MUCH too large of a word to describe it...TOWN is more like it) that's built INTO the side of a mountain...

The view of downtown OchoRios...

and...a heap of junk car...yes...just on the side of the street...

I'll sign off with pictures of sunsets...maybe because I'm always working in Tampa that I never get to appreciate sunsets and I'm sure they probably look like this wherever you are too...but when you're on vacation (ok so it's a WORKING vacation...) I was able to step back and just enjoy the spectaculous-ness (is that a word??? it is now!!) that is a sunset!!